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Mom, We Need to Talk

written by Madi Driscoll

performed by Isabella Matthews and Haniya Hassan


Audio Transcript:


Friend: Ok you can do this. 


Main: I’m not sure I can.


Friend: Of course you can! Just rip off the band-aid. Once it's over you wont need to do it again. Just call and tell her.


Main: But what if she gets mad.


Friend: Don’t worry. She’ll understand. She’s your mother. She’ll love you no matter what.


Main: I know, I know. But it’s still scary.


Friend: It’s just telling her that things between you and Jane are a bit more serious than you let on. Come on, you can do it just call her.


Main: Okay. I can do this. I’ve got this.


Friend: You’ve got this.


[Dial tone]


Hey Mom


I’m good, how are you?


Oh that’s good


Hey look I wanted to talk to you about something


No I didn't crash my car. I wanted to talk to you about something else


You remember my friend Jane?


No not the one with short black hair, that’s Tiffany.


No Jane is the one with short brown hair that curls just a little bit right at her shoulders. 


Oh you don't remember her? Ok well anyway.. I just wanted to tell you that Jane is my girlfriend.


No, not that type of girlfriend. Jane and I are dating, romantically.


Mom I love her.


Please can you hold on a second, I need to talk, before you say anything else i need to tell you some stuff. Give me like 5 minutes to explain.


Yes, I am gay. I know I told you this a few years ago but I think you thought it was a phase and we really haven't talked about it since.


Mom I am a lesbian.


I know you've always wanted me to find love and I think I found it. Mom, she's amazing, kind, sweet, and funny and she means the world to me. I didn't think I could I love until I met her. Remember when I told you I thought I loved my boyfriend Paul in high school? I lied about it. I know what love is now. I understand what you and dad talk about now.


It’s that little feeling in your heart when you see or hear a person and it just makes you want to melt. It’s looking into someone’s eyes and fully trusting them. It wraps you up into a spiral and shoots you out to the clouds so you feel like you’re flying. I get it now, I understand the love you talk about.


Mom I just wanted to call to tell you I love her, and this isn't a phase. It’s who I am and even if we break up, I’m not going to date men again.




Mom? Are you there?


Yes we’ve been dating for about a year


I didn’t tell you sooner because I was scared


Scared of what you and Dad would say. Scared what would happen if the whole family found out? How do you think Grandpa would react finding out that i’m gay?


Mainly I was scared that you would be disappointed. That you would reject me, and reject this part of me that makes me so happy. Mom I’m so much happier being able to be myself and love who I want. I wanted to share with you the love and happiness that's in my life right now.


It was so dark before I learned to love and learned what love was. I felt so alone.


I know you and dad love me but you’re my parents, it's different. I wanted to be able to love who I want and show you this love. 


Because Mom the thing is about love is that life can really suck without it.


I know it’s a lot. But I just felt it was really important to tell you. I need you to know, because you're my Mom and I can barely go another day without telling you the truth.


I hope you are still able to love me.


Thank you. I love you too Mom.

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